Tenant NNN charges are typically based on the Property Budget and tenant's CAM responsibilities that are set under the Rent Details page for the respective Tenant. This process is usually performed at the end of each calendar year for the next year. Lets assume that both Budget for the next year and Tenant CAM responsibilities are all configured correctly.
The Tenant Charges page provides a view of what the charges for Tax, CAM and Insurance should be for each tenant. The page displays and sets the charges for the given calendar year based on the property's budget and tenant's lease terms.
To view the Tenant Charges Table you must first open the Property Budget Page. Click on the Properties link on the Top Navigation Menu, choose and select the desired Property, and then click on the Property Budget link under the Actions menu on the left-hand side. Finally, click on the Tenant Charges Tab.
Let's breakdown this page:
- The first thing you'll notice is that the table displays all of the tenants of that property.
- Then there are three other columns: Tax, CAM, and Insurance.
- Each column contains the following:
- what each tenant should pay based on the Property Budget (left most column under the category)
- what the tenant is being billed. This is based on tenant's Additional Charges that are set on the Rent Details page for the tenant (the middle column).
- and how the tenant is billed:
M: Monthly Y: Yearly --: Not Being Charged
- The Grand Total row adds all of the tenants' charges together, allowing you to easily see if you're in the positive or negative based on the tenant payments.
To align what the tenant is being billed with what they should be being billed based on the Budget, you can select one or more tenant(s) by clicking the relevant checkboxes to the left of each tenant and then click on "Autofill Charges" this would automatically adjust all of the amounts to be billed to the same amount as whats based on the budget. You can override any of the billed amounts manually if desired.
To apply the changes made on this page and modify the tenant's Additional Charges billed select one or more tenant(s) by clicking on the relevant checkboxes to the left of each tenant and then click on "Save Charges". This process will update all of the relevant Tax, CAM and Insurance charges on the tenant's additional charges.
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